Welcome to First Pres Forward: Defining The Heart Of The City

Join us as we dream and plan for the future of ministry as we live out being Light and Life for the City. 

We are excited to invite you to take part in an important journey we’re calling First Pres Forward: Defining the Heart of the City. As we move forward together, we want to hear from you! Your insights and ideas are crucial in helping us shape the future through living out the mission to be Light and Life for the City.

Why Your Voice Matters:

As Pastor Tim shared on Vision Sunday, we know who we are and what God is calling us to do. First Pres has been a faithful presence in Colorado Springs for 150 years, and we believe the best is yet to come. But now, we need your help to discern the key objectives Christ is placing before us.

That’s where you come in.

How to Participate:

We are launching Phase One of our strategic planning process, which begins with a church-wide survey. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts on how you see First Pres moving forward and what you believe our future should look like. The survey will take 20-30 minutes, and your input will be invaluable as we work together to define the next steps for our church.

Click here to take the survey
Password: fpccsco

We are working with Leighton Ford Ministries to participate in the Transforming Church Insight survey. The TCI is a valuable tool where we gather input from our church community on a variety of topics that are important to our leadership. The results will be compared to a national database with over 11 million records and help guide our future decisions.

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete and is available online. If needed you can pick up a paper copy at our Welcome Center in the Plaza. Your responses are completely confidential, and on a rating scale of 1-5 with a chance to write you own comments about the church at the bottom. The Transforming Church Insight is administered by the team at Leighton Ford Ministries. You can learn more about them at LFMConnect.org or by reading Attentive Church Leadership: Listening and Leading in a World We’ve Never Know by Kevin Ford and Jim Singleton (ivpress.com/attentive-church-leadership).

What’s Next:

After you complete the survey, stay tuned! As we gather feedback, our elders and strategic planning team will begin working on a plan, and we want you to stay involved. Be on the lookout for invitations to town halls, small groups, and dinner discussions where we’ll dive deeper into this process. We’ll share updates right here as we continue to build momentum toward presenting a strategic plan at our Annual Meeting in February 2025.

Together, we’ll discern the path ahead, confident in the faithfulness of Christ who has always guided us. Let’s step forward together and embrace the exciting future God has for us!

Thank you for being part of this journey. We can’t wait to hear from you. If you have any questions on the survey or the First Pres Forward Initiative, please contact Elizabeth Roth at eroth@firstprescos.org or by calling 719-884-6102.

The survey ends September 29, so fill it out today!
The password for the survey is: fpccsco

Take Survey Instructions