Vision Sunday September 8 - Service times 8:30 am and 10 am only! Followed by a Church Wide BBQ at Weber Street Center at 10:30 am.

Camp Scholarship

We are beyond excited for what God is going to do in the hearts of our students through this retreat! We recognize that for many of us this has been a difficult season with more than a few unexpected expenses. The last thing that we at First Pres want is for finances to get in the way of sending your students to camp and encountering God alongside their friends.

In Philippians 4:19 it says "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.". We firmly believe that God is a faithful provider and here at First Pres we want to partner alongside God in that work of provision.

If finances are a concern that is keeping you from signing up for this retreat we have resources available to help fill that need. We would love to come alongside you and your family by providing scholarship funds to send your student to camp. 


Closed For 4th of July