Israel Trip

Precept Bible Study

The women in Precept Bible Study at First Presbyterian Church invite you to join us as we study God's word. Women from all ages and walks of life have been challenged to grow in their walk with Christ and in community with one another for 30 years through this study at First Pres. Precept Bible studies, written by Kay Arthur, use an inductive method that involves observation of the text, interpretation (using cross-references and historical information), and life application. Personal preparation involves five days of homework each week. When we gather, we spend time in teaching and discussion, followed by small group sharing and prayer, followed by an optional video presentation by Kay Arthur. We will be studying Romans chapters 12-16 in the Fall and Psalms and Proverbs in the Winter and Spring. For more information and to register please contact Joan Sawyer at or 719.963.4146.

Ina Meyer
(719) 884-6117


Date / Time

Precept '23-'24